Friday, January 27, 2012


 I am sitting her at 1200noon psd, in my night gown absolutely all in. Work as it was was fine, however I put in 11/2 over time and am absolutely exhausted. I have not eaten which I should have done by now, to kick in my metabolism, but I shall do that as soon as I finish here. Well I managed to make it past 7-11 last night(big woo-hoo) and even though I ate my almonds and chocolate(thanks Rosalie for sharing where to buys) I was still a bit hungry so I ate 6 manzanila green olives w/2t. cream cheese.   I find those 2 flavors together are very satisfying, with a point total  S1/C1. That was it, no bags of chips, no 3 huge bowls cheerios-done. And that was my goal for the day, to not consume for comfort but to eat out of hunger. I hope all of you are well and continue to have victory over whatever eating issues, no matter how small and no matter what they are.  Today I'm going on a hunt for natures hollow jam and honey, more affordable  true lime(3 packets w/9 drops stevia in 11/2 c h20 w/twist of lome is a great substitute for diet cola for me), bottled water at costco and that is that(after of course I eat and walk the pups:).)


  1. Great job Deborah. Olives and cream cheese huh? Sounds great.
    Get some rest and have a great day :-)

  2. Have a great day! Great job not comfort eating! ;)
