Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lost and found-chewed

 Well, after recovering from the big snow and my bug I could concentrate on a very important part of my household that had noticed was not where I normally keep it. My plastic card that I can buy with disappeared completely...I looked in my car, I cleared out all my kitchen drawers I searched bathroom shelves as well as their drawers. Searched the ground around my car. I checked the account for activity(thankfully none since 1/10/12. No clue where that key to my world went. Then I just so happened to sit on the "dogs"couch-called so because they basically own it. And what do you know? there w/3 chewed corners was my beloved piece of plastic. Remember my ne'r do well Dolly Madison...just one more reason to call her ne'r do well.  So today being mild I was able to do my normal walk. I do not know how to do pictures but I will learn-I have bought a camera for that purpose . In the meantime, here is what I had for breakfast: 1 cup breakfast hash(Spudlers-comb. potatoes, bacon,onion,green bell peppers), one ounce Jimmy Dean's turkey crumbles, fried till browned then 2 eggs scrambled into that. S1/C1.  For lunch 3/4c.homemade cabbage patch soup with 1/2 cubed avocado stirred into that along with some good shakes of chipoltle tabasco stirred into it-S5/C2, reason for high sugar=too much onion. Next time I make that recipe I will cut the onion amount in half.. I have not eaten dinner, it's kind of late-maybe I'll have a light snack. This is my second day of  not eating wheat. It's not intentional, but WOW! The drive to eat seems to have been turned off...more incentive for me to not eat wheat. Gadget-I have ordered from one of the shopping channels a device that you use to measure your food as well as calculate nutritional values, including carbs and sugars( in other words, it prorates your s/c to the weight of the item your eating.) It comes w/booklet of codes you enter for 1,999 foods with the capability of programming in 99 of your own foods. I'll let you know what I think and let me  know if you would like info to check it out. I am so sorry for the length of this, I hope you have found this worth reading...I need to learn many things re:typing on computers as well bfc but w/my nephew's it skills as well as the support and encouragement of this community that brought us together,learning will occur.  Thanks and I'm sorry to Rosalie-for endeavoring to learn my address( and to Dawn also for joining my site)-the sorry to Rosalie for my earlier post  today which was my ignoant and feeble attempt to comment on Rosalie's site. And Pattie, I hurt with as you shared w/us your beloved Beth  and I marvel at the strength you exhibit as you begin your journey out of the dark...


  1. HI Deborah,
    I think you are doing great so far and the blogging part you will learn as you go. And you don't have to apologize for anything. Don't be silly.
    Gave a great day :-)

  2. Hi Deborah. You are doing very well with your blog. Mine is pretty basic, but it does take awhile to get everything right. I find so many typos after I post and I always go back and re-edit several times. I love the breakfast you had. That sounds really yummy. Don't you love that your drive to eat has been turned off. That is a wonderful way to put in a nutshell what this way of eating does. Not to say I don't have some days where I'm not eating as well as I should, but I am not searching for food and feeling unsatisfied as I always did with many other eating plans. Continued success and big hugs from me to you!

  3. "Wheat Belly" mentions that appetite is lessened when you remove wheat from your diet, so that is awesome that you have noticed so quickly that benefit!

    Please don't worry about your blog! just keep posting away, we're all very forgiving! :) Have a great day!
